Not So Healthy Recipes

Ep. 7: Cinnamon Buns/Elephant Ears

This is the 7th episode of “A Jock’s Guide” Cooking Series. A measuring tape in baking? Oh dear. Originally, I was hoping to make something that tasted as great as a BeaverTail, but was baked instead.  Anyone for a flat cinnamon bun? Delish! A viewer has also just informed me that what I made was actually a “Nun’s Fart”???? This jock will show you how to mix, cook, cut and pinch and roll dough like no other. Move over Martha – this girl has got it goin’ on…. Complete with tips, a great soundtrack and lots of fumbles!

Ep. 1: Old-Fashioned Fudge

This is the 1st episode of “A Jock’s Guide” Cooking Series. It’s a step by step, entertaining video showing you how to make the old-fashioned fudge your Grandmother used to make, while also showing you how to avoid fudge pitfalls! I’m ok failing publicly! Great soundtrack, easy recipe, simple ingredients. Oh! And a little wine and dancing too! I believe that baking is a sport of its own, is it not?

Old-Fashioned Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Ep. 2: German Pancakes

This is the 2nd episode of “A Jock’s Guide” cooking series. This is an entertaining step-by-step video showing you how to make a traditional family pancake treat. Complete with bloopers, dancing, and great soundtrack! Special post-credits memorial to a loved one.

Gramma Franz’s German Pancakes Recipe

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Your cook – Kate

A woman, a laptop and a kitchen…. and a great partnership with KidSport Ontario. more.

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